Dear January,
How I dread your presence with each coming year. I know this may be a shock because it's a time for fresh starts and new chapters but you just remind me that last year is now over and I'm now another year older. Not that that's a bad thing as I am only 20 so I don't expect any sympathy from anyone, but after next year it's all downhill from there, isn't it?
I have a lot of goals for this year, January. You help me set most of them within the first couple weeks. Hopefully, when I see you again I can check these goals off of the checklist. I'm aiming to be more healthy. I know that's what a lot of people say to you but I really mean it. I was looking back at old pictures earlier this month and realised how chubby my cheeks now are... If hampsters had Instagram they would regram me and write #GOALS. That's something I aim to change this year.
Everyone seems so down in the dumps in January. I'm not sure why I think perhaps the credit card bills have finally hit the doormats from Christmas. You do bring some stress upon arrival don't you? We all secretly love you though. You did bring some happy things to the people as well such as first sightings of snow this year (all 0.5 inches of it) Thanks ... I would sit by my window watching the snow fall down hoping that when I wake up the ground would be covered and I could just get back in bed and not have to go to college... never happened... when I woke up the snow was all gone. Although there are some good memories with the snow too... I went for my daily run (I know see already started on that face fat... I ain't got time to wait for Feb) at 4 pm one of the days and big massive snow flakes started to fall down all around me. I felt like I was going to slip at any given moment but running in these big flakes with my tongue out trying to catch some snow was the best. (Yes I did run around the block with my head up and tongue out. There's a nice imagine there :) )
My calendar quote for January was
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile."
Goodbye January, you've been very nice for me this year. Hopefully, this good vibe can carry on into February as well.
Yours Sincerely,
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How I dread your presence with each coming year. I know this may be a shock because it's a time for fresh starts and new chapters but you just remind me that last year is now over and I'm now another year older. Not that that's a bad thing as I am only 20 so I don't expect any sympathy from anyone, but after next year it's all downhill from there, isn't it?
I have a lot of goals for this year, January. You help me set most of them within the first couple weeks. Hopefully, when I see you again I can check these goals off of the checklist. I'm aiming to be more healthy. I know that's what a lot of people say to you but I really mean it. I was looking back at old pictures earlier this month and realised how chubby my cheeks now are... If hampsters had Instagram they would regram me and write #GOALS. That's something I aim to change this year.
Everyone seems so down in the dumps in January. I'm not sure why I think perhaps the credit card bills have finally hit the doormats from Christmas. You do bring some stress upon arrival don't you? We all secretly love you though. You did bring some happy things to the people as well such as first sightings of snow this year (all 0.5 inches of it) Thanks ... I would sit by my window watching the snow fall down hoping that when I wake up the ground would be covered and I could just get back in bed and not have to go to college... never happened... when I woke up the snow was all gone. Although there are some good memories with the snow too... I went for my daily run (I know see already started on that face fat... I ain't got time to wait for Feb) at 4 pm one of the days and big massive snow flakes started to fall down all around me. I felt like I was going to slip at any given moment but running in these big flakes with my tongue out trying to catch some snow was the best. (Yes I did run around the block with my head up and tongue out. There's a nice imagine there :) )
My calendar quote for January was
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile."
Goodbye January, you've been very nice for me this year. Hopefully, this good vibe can carry on into February as well.
Yours Sincerely,
Twitter | Instagram | We Heart It | Pinterest | Facebook | Tumblr | BlogLovin' | Google +
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