For some reason, I woke up extremely early today. Don't know why but it was about 6am when I looked at my clock. Whilst I was getting ready for breakfast I saw a group of people standing outside with their cases waiting for their coach to take them to the airport, I felt sorry for them because their holiday had ended but then it occurred to me that Wednesday (today) is a really funny day to finish a holiday? it's usually a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Never mind they were leaving anyway.
After breakfast, I did exactly what I did yesterday.... chilled by the pool but this time, we got a pool seat so I was very happy. It was extremely hot today so I had to keep getting in and out of the pool (which was extremely cold) but it was nice temperature once you'd been in a while.
I used my rubber ring in the pool, you know where you sit in the middle and go around and around the pool. I was in there for a good hour just going around and around as it was so hot, but I was killing two birds with one stone as I was tanning by sitting in the ring but also keeping cool by being in the pool. I was about to fall asleep on my rubber ring so I decided to get out as I thought falling asleep in a pool is the last thing I want to do :P but I loved being in that ring and just going round and round. Although I did have the biggest wedgie when I got out. Funny thing is, about fifteen minutes after I had got out and sat down a man came with his rubber ring to float around like I just had (probably seen me in the pool and thought it was a good idea, which it was if I do say so myself). Anyway, once he had got into his ring and pushed himself away from the wall, this whistle was blowing manically and then the lifeguard came running over and said you're not allowed inflatables in the pool :O !! but I had just been going round and round for about an hour in mine (and it wasn't a new lifeguard because as I was going around the pool I noticed him sitting in his high chair looking out over the pool). He got told off by the lifeguard for doing what I had been doing for over an hour!! Haha !! Must have just been because I'm female :P
After we had finished by the pool it was time to go for dinner, whilst I was getting ready my forearms started to burn so much :/ but I just ran them under some cold water before I left. We decided to check out the sister hotel today rather than just sticking to ours. Theirs is pretty much the same as ours except theirs is white and ours is brown. We had our dinner at this hotel too but after this, we decided to check out their entertainment too as it might be different to ours. It was different but it was karaoke... something that I dread ! My worst nightmare is to sing in front of other people, I don't even sing to myself so this was the worst idea in my opinion so I left :P I went to get another chocolate and cream drink and went back to the room. As it was only about 10pm I thought it would be nice to facetime people back home as I did have The Internet there but I didn't take my laptop as I thought there wouldn't be or you would have to pay for it. I had connected the phone to the internet to facetime the people back home but it wasn't working at all. It should've worked because I had facetimed earlier in the week but tonight just didn't want to know. The people singing downstairs had probably broke it with their tone-deaf voices as they can't make it rain, we are in Spain after all.
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