For lunch I put some chicken pieces on a wrap with some salad and had a chicken wrap... oh have I missed them they were gorgeous from Tesco with their caesar sauce, till Tesco put their prices up and now I refuse to pay over £2.50 for a chicken wrap. Here, it was free though so who cares :). Eating this outside in 24-degree heat was quite a challenge. I saw my first bee today, the whole of this holiday I haven't seen one bee or one wasp but today I saw my first bee today. It was disturbing this older couple a couple rows back from where we were sitting. I know I shouldn't laugh really but when an insect that you hate is disturbing someone else you can't help but laugh at them waving towels about and making that 'WAAH!' noise :)

Once we went to get ready for dinner there was a horse and cart outside our hotel room eating a carrot. The man was taking people around the block in the cart for €30 which I thought was a bit expensive so we didn't go but I felt sorry for the poor horse having to go round and round all day in this heat. I know he probably get's paid well ... in carrots of corse but I still felt sorry for him. In other news, my shoulders have burnt even more today. As if they weren't painful enough, I feel like ordering a bath of aftersun and just sitting in it.
Once dinner was over we decided to go to the beach again, yes pebble beach. This time was a bit more interesting though as we walked a bit further along and we found a park on the beach. I knew they had beach gyms and things but who ever thought of putting swings and slides on a beach should have an award because I was so happy when I saw no one was on the swings (something that never happens in the UK). The swings are always occupied on UK parks.
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