Today was just a normal day, sitting by the pool once again we went into the market and there was this woman there who was selling personalised rocks. You could have things wrote on them such as names or happy anniversary. She was so good a writing and drawing, she was doing the proper typography writing which made them all look really good. We then sat by the pool all day and soaked up the sun (apart from my shoulders). This was sort of a mistake as now my calves have burnt as well. The only part of my body which hasn't burnt is my head and my middle. My tummy, back and thighs are fine and brown but my calves, arms and shoulders have all burnt. No idea how that happens, I guess certain parts of the body are just more sensitive than others.
After we had been there, we booked ourselves into the fancy restaurant in the hotel which was nice as you are only allowed to book once a week in there. I was hoping they weren't going to have the same food as the buffet but they just bring it to you. It wasn't though so there was no need to worry; for a starter I had a cheese board. I only ate the two of them though it was a sweet one and then normal cheddar mmmm :P the others I didn't touch ... well, there was one but I had to casually spit it out which was a task. Trying to spit something out with no one noticing is a challenge especially when sat in a fancy restaurant.
For the main course, I chose a leg of lamb with some potatoes. Which I was really looking forward too but then when he came out with it there were 5 on the plate. 5 legs of lamb and they gave it me like it was normal .... I don't know whether it's just me being British but when you're in England you only get given one leg of lamb ... not 5. I was happy though and I ate it all which surprised me. After this was over, I was feeling well and truly full, until they gave me the dessert menu. You've got to have dessert haven't you... it would be rude not too. I skimmed down the dessert menu (mainly looking for some type of cheesecake or the brownie sundae things you can get) until I came to one which was called Sacher Torte. Now for anyone who doesn't know this (it's kinda obvious) but my name is Sacha. There was dessert on the menu named after me (well not after me as in me, me but it's still my name so technically it is me, just let me have this one okay hehe) of course I ordered the Sacher Torte (after googling it to see what it was) and it was absolutely delicious and you'll never guess.... it was covered in chocolate. Yep! us Sacha's must just have a connection or something because that Sacher from 1832 knew... he knew !!

After dinner we went to the hotel to have all our pictures taken and that. Then I went up to the room for an hour to pack my things up as tomorrow is our last day here :(. I wanted to pack up tonight so that tomorrow I have the whole day to enjoy myself. Whilst I was packing up I started to feel ill, I knew it was all those lamb legs, so I had to lie down for half an hour which sort of messed up the packing plan but never mind. I then went downstairs and ordered a chocolate and cream ... I know smack my butt !! I couldn't miss a chocolate and cream though no matter how sick I was feeling. Once that was done I went to bed ready for the last day.
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