Ahhh the last day. I always have mixed feelings when it comes to the last day and I never know how to feel. I want to feel sad because it's the last day and I've got to go back to cold rainy England ... back to routine and back to my life; but I can't help but feel slightly excited and happy. I know what you're probably thinking Why on earth would you be excited to go home? well.... first of all I do miss people at home so seeing them, also my laptop oooooh I've missed Marvin the Mac so much !! My sims app on my phone game are probably dead so I've got to check on them and also just my own things, my perfumes, make up things like that. I am looking forward to going home although I am going to miss the weather. I wish I could lasso the sun with a rope and attach it to the aeroplane to bring back to England with me but that's obviously not possible.
Anyway, it's the last day and I am determined to make the most of it and enjoy it as much as possible. It looks like that is also the hotels mindset because you know what we had for lunch? ... Chicken Kababs !!! flip me it's been ages since I've had a chicken kebab and I loved it ... honest you know the heart eye emoji well that was my face when I walked into the food room and saw chicken kababs. A better example, have you ever seen the film the mask? well, when his eyes and heart pop out and his tongue touches the floor ... yeah well, that was me when I saw that we had chicken kebabs. I enjoyed that so much sitting by the pool with my shoulders covered (as it was 26 degrees today) with a towel eating my chicken kababs and an ice cream. In better news, (not that anything could be better than that) my burn has stopped hurting now. I'm glad I covered up my shoulders the past couple days as I think they would be way worse if I hadn't but they have stopped hurting. I'm very glad about this as I was worried I would be extremely uncomfortable on the plane because of how much I was burning up.
Coming to the end of the chilling by the pool time I decided to have a cold shower again as it was red hot today. This again turned out to be extremely awkward as everyone was watching me shower again but I didn't want to use the one in the room as I have all my previously worn bikinis in there and I cannot be bothered to move them to have a shower .... yes, my laziness at it's best right there.
Once I got back up to my room and got changed I started to pack as I know I am not going to want to do it tonight. I started to dry my bikinis on the balcony outside as they were soaking wet from today and guess what ... they were dry within 10 minutes !! Honestly Spain, you don't know how good you have it when it comes to drying washing ... it wouldn't be dry in the UK until 10 hours ! Never mind 10 minutes. Once I had packed (sort of) I got notified by our holiday representative that our coin euros cannot be changed once we get back to the UK. Our notes can but the coins can't, I had about €8 in coins so I had to go buy some stuff to get rid of it but I'll cover what I bought in tomorrow's blog post.
We then went to dinner where I had a plate of pasta and they had the chocolate fountain on !! With doughnuts and marsh mellows next to it. mmmm I loved that and had to plates of them :P although I didn't really like the doughnuts, they don't taste like ours but I don't know whether it's because I put doughnuts in the fridge but they were just out here in the open. I loved the chocolate though it tastes like Cadburys, maybe it was Cadbury's I don't know, does Spain have Cadbury's? After this, we went to the entertainment but I left early as I wanted to finish packing so I'm not stressed out in the morning. once I had completely finished packing and set out my stuff for tomorrow I went to get my chocolate and cream to settle down for the night, big travel day tomorrow.
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