The other day I ordered off the MAC website something which I have never done before. I didn't realise the amount of things they offer on the website that they don't offer in stores :O!! I only brought two things, a lip liner and a brush, I have used these products the past couple days and I feel I can now review them on this blog post :) enjoy!!!
I do need a new brush collection to be honest, most of my brushes are falling apart and leaving their bristles on my face :P I usually don't bother with expensive brushes I resort to eBay but that isn't cutting it anymore I need to start ... investing ;) my mum always said to me "You buy cheap, you buy twice" so I started with this little beauty. I did a lot of research before purchasing this, actually most of June and July I was researching brushes. This was my first pick of many ... it is great for eyeshadow I find, I always struggled to blend my eye shadow together as I found it a challenge.
This brush really helped me to tackle this; the bristles are oval shaped which helps with the blending especially near the eye area such as the inner corner which is the worst, in my opinion, the crease and the outer V. The brush is soft and runs across the eyelid smoothly... to be honest I don't know how I ever blended without this brush now. I have noticed that some people have used this brush for concealer; I haven't so I can't say whether it is good for that or not, I would try but at the moment it has Ted Baker eyeshadow all over it :P maybe when I wash my brushes I may ... I'll keep you posted ;) but it can be used for concealer as well.
It is made with goat hair which put me off at the start but at least you know what the brush is made of...
*side eyes cheap brushes from eBay coached in the pot*
2) MAC Pro Longwear Lip Pencil - Bittersweet

Have you ever tried any of these products? Let me know in the comments below what you think?
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