Blackheads urg! I know right? I wish they never existed because unlike normal spots they seem to last for ages ... and sometimes never go away!! I used to think that it was dirt underneath the skin that used to cause them and I would scrub and scrub my face until it was raw red, until one day I was told that it actually wasn't that and scrubbing my face wouldn't do anything (thanks, Internet).
What actually causes them is your pores getting clogged with oil, that's why people with oily skin tend to get more spots than others, and whether it is a blackhead or whitehead depends on whether the pore is open or closed. If it is open it has contact with oxygen and therefore the head turns black, whereas if your pore is closed it will be white... interesting I know haha!
So how do we get rid? Well, I asked that question too so I decided to ask my trusty friend Google who seems to have an answer to everything. Clay masks were the number one suggestion from many websites along with a toner after as the clay mask which will deeply cleanse your skin and the toner will tighten the pores meaning IF you are to get any spots .. it will most likely be a white one as the toner will have tightened the pores. Not sure as this will 'get rid' of blackheads though it might just be a way to prevent them in the future.
I use the Forever Living Marine Mask or the Cucumber Clay Mask this is because these are what I am used to but any clay mask will do. If you have used clay masks before you may know that they tend to dry up your face and make it feel tight this is because it is drawing the oil out of your pores it was recommended to only do this 1-2 times a week so your skin doesn't completely dry up. :)
Another thing that came up to look after your skin and get rid of spots is to drink a lot of water, this is very important. When I was 16 I always had spots (somewhere on my face) if I had just got rid of one on my chin I would have one appear by my nose and then one on my forehead and then one on my chin again ... it was just a continuous cycle. I used to sit and think it was because I was a teen and well .... that may have been the reason but now when I think back I wasn't exactly helping my skin at all. I never used to drink water, no face masks, no scrubs, no toner ...not even moisturiser!! All I used to do was put makeup on and remove it later on with a baby wipe!! I know ... a baby wipe!!
Who's that knocking at my door... it's the beauty police come to slap me in the face for my behaviour back in 2012 :P... When I reached 17 I got fed up of it and entered the beauty world and found out all different things you could do and what all the products in boots were actually for... imagine a child in a sweet shop... yep 17-year-old me in boots :P I had worn makeup for years but I had never looked after my skin. I think wearing makeup and looking after your skin go hand in hand really, but all I was doing was getting spots (from not looking after my skin properly) and then covering them up with more makeup. Not the best combo. One thing I do have to mention is when you drink water, it's nutrients reaches you skin last.. it goes everywhere else first so also splashing your face with water twice a day (morning and night) will also help :) as you are putting the water directly on your face, but drinking it is also important as just splashing your face will only do so much.
After doing anything to your skin whether it be a face mask, scrub or toning make sure you moisturise. Try to get an oil free one as sometimes the oil in the moisturiser can clog up your pores again and we don't want that after you've just done your mask and toned. I can't tell you in words how important it is to moisturise .. it really really is I can't believe I never used to when I was younger. I suppose I was still learning and that was my lesson learnt but I only researched it and found out because I was fed up of my spots. You've heard the phrase "if you never ask you;ll never get" that's the same I would never get rid of my spots unless I asked (in this case it was Google... but still) I guess that's why you're here reading this now because you're researching how to get rid... unless you're reading for the LOL's in which case ... hi!
The last ting I found whilst I was researching for mine is an egg white mask. This is a homemade recipe and has been circling the internet for years... I think. Anyway, you only need three ingredients and it doesn't take to much time which is a bargain, the only downside is you have to look like a 3000-year-old mummy for a few minutes but if you're comfortable with that then here goes (also if you're younger and have an annoying brother... I'd suggest doing this whilst he's not it or lock you in the bathroom until you're done, don't want no pictures circling facebook now do we? or even worse showing them at your wedding in years to come). You need 2 egg whites, tissue and 1teaspoon of lemon juice. You mix the lemon juice and the egg whites together for a while and then you place a layer onto your face (you can use an old makeup brush to apply it if you have one, just make sure it's clean first) then rip the tissue into small pieces and place all over your face. Once you have covered your face in tissue apply another layer of the mask over the top and then wait for it to dry (should be around 20 minutes). Then just peel off and rinse your face!! You may not see results straight away but if you keep at it, you will eventually see your skin tone even out and blackheads disappear. As all the ingredients are natural you can do this however many times you wish but I would suggest twice a week for oily skin.

Water! (drinking & splashing)
Clay Face Masks + Toner
Moisturiser (Oil-Free)
Egg White Mask
These are some of the tips I picked up when I was searching for things and most of them worked for me. There were a lot of things that didn't work as well but I've decided not to mention them because they didn't work for me but I'm sure if you search the Internet you will find different solutions. One thing that didn't work was this (see image) What even is that!! You should have seen me with this tool I didn't have a clue what I was doing and it didn't work!! I put the circle around the spot and then what? Pop it? I didn't use it for my normal spots it was just my blackheads and it was so unsuccessful so I settled for homemade masks and things like that :)
Do you have any more solutions to getting rid of blackheads? Let me know in the comments below :)
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