Contradictory to the title, I do not Sub 4 Sub.
One of the most annoying things about YouTube is the constant Sub 4 Sub requests, I know some people have made massive followings from these types of things but it's just something I have never done.
I believe in subscribing to someone because you like them, their style, their content, whatever it is but you subscribe because you genuinely want to. That's the way I've run my channel from day one & I will continue to run it this way whether it goes or not.
What's brought this about, is the other day someone commented on one of my social medias and said that I was pretty and that they liked my channel, they had subscribed and they wanted me to check out their channel and subscribe too! I don't mind checking out other people's channels, this is how you get the word out and promote your content, plus that's sort of what I want people to do to my channel. Hey! if you've got a channel don't feel shy, send me the links and I will check your videos out! just don't expect me to subscribe just because you've sent me a link and I looked.
I did like this particular channel, it was a small YouTuber still but they had an extra 500 subscribers to what I had/have. So I subscribed and messaged them back to tell them that I liked their channel and their work ethic (they'd uploaded a good 200 videos since joining YouTube last year... I'd say that's pretty great) so everything was good, I liked their videos, I'd subscribed to them, they'd subscribed to me as well and I'd responded to their message. Time to go to bed.
The following morning I wake up to see that not only have I not received a message back (thanking for the compliment about their work ethic and that I liked their channel) but they had also unsubscribed. What is it with people? Can't they just use YouTube properly and fairly? The fact that they went out of their way to message me and tell me I'm pretty, my content is good and that they've subscribed?
I unsubscribed to them as well... the irony I know. I felt bad as I actually did like their videos but I won't be treated like that, not in real life or online. If someone unsubscribes after a month or something like that, then I wouldn't mind because they've given my channel a chance but to just subscribe so you hopefully get a subscription back, then unsubscribe once you have (in this case it was about 8 hours) and hopefully pray that they stay subscribed, it's just unfair and I won't do it.
Whatever happened to "Treat other people how you would like to be treated?" <- Golden Rule since School, People! (I didn't mean for that to rhyme but it just did ... sounds pretty good tbh might use that one more often)
It should just be if you like the person or content then you subscribe; if you don't then don't.
There should be none of this
"subscribe to me, yeah? and I'll sub back"
"I'm going to subscribe to them because they have over 500,000 subscribers and they're a really popular YouTuber plus everyone else I know is subscribed."
If you like them then subscribe, if you don't then don't.
HaHa! don't know where this rant came from, I just started typing one Thursday afternoon.
Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time moaning about other people's behavior. What do you think about Sub 4 Sub? Do you think they're okay or do you think they're unfair? Have you ever asked for one?.. come on you can tell me ;)
Let me know in the comments.
My YouTube links are below in case you wanted to see my channel(s).
Sub 4 Sub, Yeah? Jk!
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