I cannot believe I'm saying this but next week ... it's winter ... Oh My Life! How fast has that gone. I love Autumn all the leaves, oranges, golden browns, fires, marshmallows, onesies and chocolate .. yeas! I do love myself some Autumn but this year my autumn seemed to be soaked up by stress and being ill... lovely... Halloween went by at the click of a finger and bonfire night ... well BANG and that was gone... get it ;)... anyway enough of my cheesy jokes and on with the blog :)
As Winter is only one week away I thought I'd do myself a winter wish list (which mainly consists of overcoats and jumpers) as whilst I was ill recently I had a lot of time to do some online 'window' shopping. :P Enjoy!!
*All Pictures were taken from the website I do not own any of them and all credit goes to the rightful owners*
The first on my little screen shopping trip was this beige jumper/cardigan. When I was about 14 or 15 I always wanted one of these. I don't really know why but the bat wing effect really appealed to me, it was more spacious than my other jumpers that always felt tight and itchy. These looked a lot more comfortable, I'm guessing you wouldn't sweat as much in these as well as the fabric isn't actually 'touching' you. This one looks really nice with all the fur around the edges and even the way they have made the clothing fit to your arms so you don't have that loose fabric annoyance. All the reviews were good too saying it is comfortable and good quality :) looks good... sounds good.
Okay now this one is more winter :) This coat is padded meaning it will give you warmth yet it looks fashionable at the same time. That is what I struggle with winter coats it's not the warmth it's the 'looking nice'. I always find that I look like a penguin when I walk from the amount of layers I have on or that I just look big and bulky; but this one doesn't do that ... it looks nice and like it would keep you warm. Not keen on the red colour or the white, I like them but I think the red looks too bright and would've looked better as perhaps a maroon colour and the white looks very wintery, nice and clean yet wouldn't that get really really dirty over time, so for fashion yes but practicality I don't think that colour is the best. The pink looks okay but again the same as the red really. So if I was to buy this coat I would most likely get the navy blue, as I don't have any navy blue coats. I'm loving the fur around the neck, that adds to the warmth and the fashion of the coat and the nice little belt to finish it off .... just gorgeous.
This is just absolutely beauuuuttttifffuullll ... literally when I scrolled to this I was gobsmacked just amazing... I don't know whether its the way they set the models out with the backdrops or what but don't they make everything look just perfect? ... no?... just me... okay then.
I love the way they have made it swish in that picture to show the freeness the coat has. The colour ... :O!! I'm in love with the colour and I think it goes really well with the buttons down the front. I'm guessing they are buttons anyway they might not be ... actually I'm not sure how this coat fastens unless they are buttons but if they aren't and are just there for decoration I'm not sure how the coat fastens.. never mind it's just beautiful :) The black fur at the collar and wrists just adds that nice winter effect and I'm guessing that will add to the warmth of the coat too :) ... the price not so beautiful :/ this baby is £181.17 which is shocking and ridiculous so I'm afraid it's a no but it's lovely to look at :P
Blue Double Breasted Nipped Waists Long-Sleeve Overcoat - beautiful <3
Again me with my bat wings haha ... this one is going to be similar to the jumper I put earlier but this one is an actual coat. Glove's would be necessary I believe, but it does look nice and fashionable for the winter weather that is upon us. I don't like the dark grey colour it would have to be the brown, but again with the fur around the edges and the nice fastening there in the middle and it even has a nice little hood at the back in case it starts raining :) or whether it's just too cold :O) practical. I do believe that fur is in this year ... woop! I've always loved the fur type look (faux obviously) but all the furs and the browns .. it's just lovely :P again I've never owned one of these but they do look nice. Not sure where your hands come out through whether it's at the bottom or in those little slits at the side; either way it will look nice. :)
5) Rhinestone Stiletto Heel
Now ... you know me ... I've got to have shoes in here somewhere :P and here they are .. again brown/beige but it is winter and these are more for the party's that are coming up ... you would not catch me trudging through snow in these ..
1) because they'd be ruined and
2) because I'd break my neck

but with great ideas comes a pound sign to follow ..these ..are £157.02 ...D': so the coat and the shoes which are amazing are both expensive and would equal more than £200 pounds just for two items of clothing *Wahhhh!!* why I put myself in these positions where I feel like I need something I'll never know -.-
but yehh that's it for my winter wish list .. make sure you check out the links for the items and my links below. Thank you for reading and I'll see you when I next post :D
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