Dear 2017...

Dear 2017,

I hope you can give me happiness. I hope you can give me peace and prosperity. I hope you can give me 'me'. I always feel like I'm lost. People say you need to find yourself, you need to find your character but I have found myself, I'm right here! on my settee. I need to BUILD myself, BUILD my character, BUILD my life. There's no such thing as finding, you have to build.

I hope you can give me the strength, opportunities and courage to do just that. Build myself. To the rest of the world it may seem like I'm being stubborn, how I don't want to go out and get a 'real' job like everyone else. Go out get a job, barely pay your way, get married and start a family. It's just the way life is... that's normal! people say. That's normal to them but I don't want to endure their reality, I want to make my own reality and make my own way. 

To expect things to happen over night is an illusion, it takes hard work and dedication. I am going to try my best and that's all I can do and I hope to achieve that this year. 

I have to live in the real world, but I don't ever want to stop dreaming. I hope nobody ever stops dreaming.

Yours Sincerely,
