Oh ! Forgot to mention guys you may notice the blog looks a little different now, I changed the layout just before I left so I'm hoping everything looks okay and the blogs are readable. I hope you guys like it, I wanted to bring more pink into the blog as my Beauty Jamm YouTube channel is mainly pink so I wanted them to match. I can't even remember what it looked like before now :) !!!
Anyway back to today, I went to the beach !!!
Yaaasss it's been years since I went to the beach, and by beach, I mean a proper beach as in sandy beach. Last year when I went to Almeria it was pebbles and the holidays before that have all either been rocky beaches or we went on cruises so it's different on those. The sand feels so nice on the feet when you walk on it. I also made sure to stick my feet right into the wet sand to exfoliate my feet :P
Whilst I was at the beach I made sure to take a dip in the sea. It was freezing cold and the odd stone would stick in my foot but once you get to about waist length it's lovely. The water then didn't seem so cold and I stayed in there for about an hour just treading water and observing my surroundings. I also knew that the sea salt is good for my skin so I was happy that I was soaking in all the minerals the sea could offer my skin. Apparently, it helps get rid of acne and reduce eczema which I have both so I will be very happy if that is true :) The sea water is so clear here you can see the fish in some areas :)
Once I was finished in the sea I went back to the hotel and went to dinner, we watched the entertainment in the hotel which was musicals tonight. The woman there was very good she was singing opera from all the classic musicals. The main one they focused on was The Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could've got some pictures of the performance but you weren't allowed to take photos or videos in the entertainment room.
Once we had watched the entertainment I still had enough time to go and see the sunset. We went to a different part of the beach this evening where the sunset looks better. I took some more snaps the sunset does look much better from this angle of the beach but the sand disappeared and the pebbles are back! I can't believe it! I found it crazy how one part of the beach is soft sand and then another part is pebbles. Too bad I wore my flip flops. I was going to take them off and walk along the sand this evening but as soon as I saw it was pebbles ... Stuff That!
The sunset was beautiful anyway and there was a bar on the beach too :) I love watching the sunset but it got even more gorgeous as the night went on (and no that wasn't Sangria vision) the sky had a pinky tinge mixed in with what blue was left, and the sun was just hiding behind another piece of land in the distance. We stayed there for the rest of the night before going back to the hotel to go to bed.
That was it for today :) not too much happened as I said before but it was a really nice relaxing day and I enjoyed going into the sea and having a little swim. I wish I could've took some some photos of the clear sea water to show you, I might go back sometime this week to take some photos so I can show you how clear the water is but for now I'm off to bed !! Goodnight :P
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