Today was a bit of a chill day today. I spent most of today sitting by the pool making sure my bum avoids any contact with the sun whats so ever! I joined in the Aqua Gym today too because when you're on holiday you don't get as much exercise as you would when you're at home, well I don't anyway. I usually go running 3 times a week so this is a big gap for me to take as I didn't go running last week because of packing everything and getting ready and I'm not going to have any exercise this week because of being away so I made sure I joined in the Aqua Gym today so I at least get some exercise.
The Aqua Gym is basically like dancing/Zumba but in the water, I think the water makes it harder which means your body has to work twice as hard as it would on the 'ground' if that makes sense. It only lasts about 20 minutes but it was a nice way to get the muscles building and also makes a great excuse for me to have more than one dessert later (pretend you didn't read that). There was one part where you had to work on your arms and your squats at the same time ... oml it was so hard! My arms were aching like crazy and with my sunburn on my bum the squats were hurting too. Wahhhh!! :'(
The pool was nice and cool though which is great when it's 24°C and your already sunburnt too. For the afternoon we went for a walk and as I was walking I saw this sign which had my name on it. Of course, we had to walk 500km just so I could take a picture :P
It was a nice walk though, but my shoes started to rub me so now I have a blister on my left foot just above my big toe... thanks flip flops! The restaurant's name was spelt differently, mine is spelt 'Sacha' but this one was spelt 'Sasha' but either way it was still my name right? Also, it was a pizza restaurant now ... I have a confession to make ... I don't really like pizza :/ hold on! hold on! before you leave the blog and never return, I just want to say it's not that I don't like it at all; as in I can't eat it but I have to be in the mood for it ... it's a mood food; I can only eat it if I'm in the mood to eat it but honey! I'd pick a pack of chicken nuggets and the dips over a pizza any day of the week.

Whilst we were out and about we went back to the shops and I bought a couple more items but I'll tell you about them in a different blog post :) On the way back to the hotel I saw a lizard! I've seen like bearded dragons and other lizard pet things before but I'd never seen one in the wild so to speak. It was an experience, to say the least, there were two lizards just staring at each other and just after I took the photo (right) they scrambled toward each other and started fighting! They scrunched up together into what looked like a green ball, tails and all, then they scrapped for about 3 seconds and then they separated and ran off in different directions. Madness! I found it fascinating though, the other lizard was sitting on a small rock so I think that's what the fight was over, perhaps he thought the other one was trying to steal his rock, but he wasn't the other one was just posing for my picture... isn't that right Jimmy? ... No answer, well he is somewhere around here but I'm in the sitting room in the hotel now so he probably can't hear me properly :P ... oh yeah I named him Jimmy too because he reminded me of Jim Carey... I don't know why, probably because he was green and Jim Carey plays The Mask and that was green ... I don't know guys some things just pop into my head and I can't explain them :P
I'm starting to sound crazy writing this now, I just read the last paragraph and was like what am I talking about? It's because I'm tired. That walk tired me out and it's nearly midnight here so I'm ready for bed :) I'll catch up with you tomorrow :) Goodnight :*
Day 6
Day 6
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