So for some of you out there who don't know. I love games. I always have and I probably always will, this year has been a big year in the gaming industry and I hope this is going to continue to next year. I always do a blog post about my top 5 favourite albums as I like music, but I thought about it during the year and I decided to share my top 5 games from this year as well! as gaming is also something that is close to my heart. There have been a lot of good releases this year and I know that everyone has different tastes in games, I think that's what makes gaming so unique sometimes, but these are my favourites.
5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe- 28th April 2017

They've changed up the Battle modes but I've never really been into those, I'm here for the racing. I have played battle mode before but I just get bored after a while of doing the same thing over and over again but now they've added in different tasks and challenges which keeps my attention for a bit longer. One of my favourites being the cops and robbers where you have a piranha plant on your car and you have to catch all the 'robbers' with your plant...honest it's a 'be there' thing.
7 Piranha Plants out of 10!
4. Mario Odyssey - 27th October 2017

When I first found out Mario could control other animals or items with his hat... I didn't really like it. I didn't understand it and I thought it was a cop out and unoriginal especially with a name like Cappy! but after a few levels and getting used to the controls I learned to love it. Figuring out the puzzles were OK nothing to challenging and I can honestly say I love this game! The New Donk City level was pretty cool, probably my favourite in the whole game, it was like Mario in our world! with the rain and the cars, traffic lights and sewers. I don't want to talk too much because I don't want to spoil anything as this game is only 2 months old but the end was a shock! I was not expecting the game to end like that. Very good graphics, and OK storyline and a true blast from the past especially if you were raised on Mario. It even has Yoshi in which I was very happy about!
8 Cap Flips out of 10! 3. The Last Guardian - December 2016
I know this was released last year but it was close to 2017 and I didn't finish it till this year so I'm going to count it :) This is one of the most emotional games this year. I cried my eyes out for a solid hour. You are a child, the game starts with you in this cage like tomb with a big giant animal beast that has been injured. You have to pull the arrows out of the beast and that act of kindness forms an uncommon friendship. Trico (the name of the animal) now wants to help you and even though you don't have full control of him as you play the boy, he follows you around for the rest of the game. Some areas you do have to go solo but you always end up with Trico by your side in the end.

The story though...the story is amazing! I'm automatically drawn to games that have a storyline as I like following the characters through their highs and lows. Adventure RPG's are my faveeeee...don't get me wrong I love level based games too that don't have storylines either, but this game has a good story and it's a real tear-jerker ... for me anyway :P
9 Trico's out of 10!
2. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 22nd August 2017
This game has to be in here, tbh any uncharted game that's released is going to be in the top 5. The storyyyyy! I love the stories these games tell. This is an action adventure game where you go on a journey to find lost treasure :) every time I start playing these games I always think of the Duck Tales Treasure of the Lost Lamp film... until the guns come out of course. I'm not the best with shooty games I always seem to be very clumsy whilst playing them but the beauty of this game is it's split up from shoot scenes to puzzle solving to exploring which I love! Some old faces turned up too which was nice :) what I pulled a face at was the 'open map' aspect of the game, it takes so long to search the whole island if you want every last bit of treasure, I'd much rather they followed the original maps which were set and you had to follow the story, because even in those games you weren't deprived of exploring... I don't know just my preference.
The graphics... don't even get me started. This game is so visually pleasing that you could have nearly every angle of a view as a desktop background. The waterfall was amazing and the way the game transitions from gameplay to cutscene is flawless. I also liked having two female protaginists in this game, don't get me wrong I missed my Nathan boi! but it was nice to see them implement that. Also *SPOILER ALERT* it was a great move having Nadine as the 'bad guy' in Uncharted 4 where you play as Nathan but then the 'good guy' in Lost Legacy. I loved the spin they put on that as in the previous game you were having shoot out's with Nadine herself and her men, but then in this game, you were fighting with her and someone else was the villain. I thought that was really good... again the story absolutely loved it! *SPOILER OVER*
Overall, I loved this game, it ended strongly as well because if the uncharted series ended there and they never continued it, I would be ok with that ending but they've also left it open for the story to be continued which keeps me intrigued to find out what's next in the uncharted world. Although, that stupid train part was so annoying!
9 Lost Treasures out of 10!
1. Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy - 30th June 2017
........ok, what did you expect?... of course Crash Bandicoot is going to be the top of the list! I couldn't believe my ears when Crash was announced at E3 last year, I practically ran around my house full of excitement :D but to actually have the game and physically hold it was incredible! It's my childhood being brought back to life, I used to play crash a lot when I was younger although I used to play the wrath of Cortex more (purely because the others I owned were so hard) these still hold a special place in my heart.
I have only played number 1 and partially number 2 (not 100%) just to check out the graphics and play-through the game, see the differences and just have some nostalgia. I do want to save this game for my gaming channel though and I will be playing through it when my PS4 is properly fixed. The one thing I LOVED! about this game is the checkpoints actually mean something now even if you're playing 100%. In the original (which I'm currently playing on my gaming channel ... that's not a plug but issa plug) you have to complete every level, collect every box and get to the end of the level WITHOUT DYING! (which in Crash Bandicoot is a hard task) to get the gem. Also just to add a bit of challenge to the game.... like it needs it.... you also cannot save until you have a gem -.-
BUT! with Nsane trilogy you can! N sane trilogy you just have to go through every level and collect every box in order to get the gem which is great :) also you can re-enter bonus levels if you fail... something else you couldn't do in the original. Also, the game saves after every level whether you get all the boxes or not!
Overall, I love this game so much it's a great remaster especially number 1 as that game really did need updating. As some of you may know I have never played Crash 3, original or Nsane Trilogy but I will be playing that on the gaming channel in the future :)
10 Aku Feathers out of 10!
So I hope you enjoyed that blog post! There were lots of games I enjoyed last year but these were the 5 that stuck out to me :) Let me know in the comments below what your favourite games were this year :) I'm hoping beyond hope that next year I'm putting a Spyro Remaster on this list but I'm not getting my hopes too high :)
Also, before I go, make sure you're subscribed to my gaming channel for the Crash Bandicoot playthrough I will be doing soon :) we are currently playing through Wrath of Cortex but I will be playing through the Nsane trilogy so make sure you're subscribed for when that happens :)
anddd that's it :) Thank you for reading :D I'll see you soon BYE!
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