Ahh the end of another year, 2017 has been so boring for me. Nothing really happened in my life this year which I suppose is good in a way because a lot of awful things could've happened, but it's also bad in a way because I feel like I haven't progressed in any area at all. :/ it's crazy how the month 'December' becomes this weird month for me because I'm all of a sudden thrown into this reflective state where I'm looking back on my year but also looking into next year too. Here are a few things that happened this year.
- I Turned 21 Years Old
Yep, I turned the big 2-1. Everything goes downhill from here right? In all honesty, though I'm very grateful, there are thousands upon thousands of people who never reached 21 for some reason or another, so I am very thankful for my age. Also, when you're 21 you get given a button from the universe that turns you 21 with every birthday... I know magical right?! I'm so glad I have mine! Can't wait for January again :)
- I went on 2 holidays!
Ibiza - Ibiza was the best holiday I went on tbh, the weather was roasting, the food was amazing, I got sun burnt which was great (the irony I know) and there's just something special about sitting by a pool with a sangria in the sun all oiled up with no responsibilities... plus the free ice cream's all day ... yeah definitely. I literally lay and slept in the sun every day, my cousin said to me 'I don't know how you can lie there all day in the sun', but really I just fall asleep with my hat on and I just can...very dangerous though I wouldn't recommend it... never... 😯
If you want to check out my Ibiza holiday and what I got up to whilst I was over there then I did a daily blog post every day :) Day 1 is here!
Royal Caribbean Cruise - First off I just want to say ... two abroad holidays in the same month was NOT planned! It just happened that way and it was a pure fluke tbh but ... Where do I start with this? well, the entertainment was good and the food was fantastic, the staff were nice but they seemed to be a lot stricter this time around. I don't know whether that's just because I'm older now? I dunno but half the ship was falling apart, there were letters missing off the casino signs, there were light bulbs that needed replacing and I don't mean just one or two I mean there were loadss!! Also, the weather was crap! I spent most of my time in the restaurant or in the spa...
oh and let's not forget how that holiday ended...
...never forget.
That's what I get for going on two holidays.
- 2 Years On...
Yes, I've been blogging and 'YouTubing' for two whole years... crazy! I have loved every minute though, you can actually see how I've changed now if you go back to some of my first videos, beauty or gaming, you will be like...OMGOSH! the EYEBROWS!! flip me!
Also, I completed 2 whole Gaming Series this year too, I completed Enter the Dragonfly early in the year. Then I started and finished the whole of A Hero's Tail, that game was soooo good :) I then started Crash Bandicoot 1 Original... got miffed off so I started Crash The Wrath of Cortex and that's where we currently stand :) I will be completing Crash 1 but I need some time to get the levels done so maybe next year? not sure depends on how long it takes me to do all the levels :)
- Liam Gallagher - As You Were Tour

Overall, it was a fantastic show :) I got one of his tour t-shirts and it was a great night out, even though I practically slipped my way there and back :) definitely slept-in that Wednesday morning though :P I had a bad throat the next day too so I definitely Wonderwalled a bit too much but totally WORTH IT!
That's it! Yep really!! I don't really go out much, I usually spend most of the year sat on the settee on the Internet, time well spent I must say but when it comes to posts like this it can get a tad awkward as I have nothing to really talk about. Either way, I had an OK year and I'm so glad I ended it by going to the As You Were tour!
Looking to next year, I definitely want to progress forward with the blog and YouTube channels, they aren't going anywhere because I enjoy doing them. I know I've been neglecting the blog a tad bit these past few months but I've had a few 'prioritizing time' issues, which I why I never had a date to post on the blog but I definitely want to post here more next year as well as the channels. I also want to focus on my main business and my social media's too as some of them have been neglected this year as well; that needs to change. I need to create a schedule for me to follow each day/week for the blog/editing/business, which should already be done by the time this blog post goes up :)
I hope you had a good year this year and I hope next year brings you nothing but happiness and prosperity.
until next year...
That's it! Yep really!! I don't really go out much, I usually spend most of the year sat on the settee on the Internet, time well spent I must say but when it comes to posts like this it can get a tad awkward as I have nothing to really talk about. Either way, I had an OK year and I'm so glad I ended it by going to the As You Were tour!
Looking to next year, I definitely want to progress forward with the blog and YouTube channels, they aren't going anywhere because I enjoy doing them. I know I've been neglecting the blog a tad bit these past few months but I've had a few 'prioritizing time' issues, which I why I never had a date to post on the blog but I definitely want to post here more next year as well as the channels. I also want to focus on my main business and my social media's too as some of them have been neglected this year as well; that needs to change. I need to create a schedule for me to follow each day/week for the blog/editing/business, which should already be done by the time this blog post goes up :)
I hope you had a good year this year and I hope next year brings you nothing but happiness and prosperity.
until next year...
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