I was walking through my city centre the other day when a woman stopped me and asked if she could style my hair. I hate when this happens as I'm so socially awkward plus this time I was actually about to catch a train. I told her this but somehow I ended up sitting in her styling chair anyway. She curled parts of my hair and straightened others and this device was actually really good. It glided through the hair with no problems which was commendable as my hair was crazy wind swept! It did it in one or two strokes per section and once she was done she let me feel my hair and it was so soft and shiny.
The information I was given was that the plates themselves are made from 100% ceramic which makes them glide through the hair easily without tugging or causing knots. The plates themselves also move on the device which makes making curls so much easier. The straighteners are infra-red which means it doesn't damage the hair as much as other straighteners do. It locks in the moisture and protects the hair rather than destroy it. Inside the straighteners there is a little dial that you turn to adjust the temperature, the highest is 230°C which is good, especially when you have long thick hair like mine. It's also good for people with thin or weaker hair as they could choose a cooler temperature.

I've tried many different straighteners, mainly through high school until I found my Babyliss ones which I've had for a good 5 years and they have served me well. I bought the Aria Beauty Infrared Ceramic Hair Straighteners and they originally cost £215.00. Whilst I was there the woman also gave me some free items as well, but I'll cover those in a minute. Once I got the product home and decided to use it I found that they weren't as good as when I was in her styling chair. I don't know, but part of me feels robbed as I expected them to be so much better. I have uploaded a YouTube video about this and I have found a lot of other people have felt this way too. It still straightened my hair so I can't complain much but they are not like the ones in store, so I've gone back to my Babyliss ones :P.
The first thing she gave me for free was this straightening brush. I've never had one of these before or used one but she showed me how to use it whilst I was there. It folds up together and looks kind of like the straightener itself. On the one side, it has a separator which is used to separate the hair and give the proper amount of hair to straighten. On the other side, there is a comb which is used to get rid of the knots which are in the hair.
The other thing she gave me were a matching Shampoo and Conditioner. These are actually their brand as well and I believe you can only buy these from them or in salons, it's not an over the shelf one that you can buy anywhere.

£215 for all these products wasn't too bad and even though the straighteners weren't as good as I expected them to be, they do still work so I suppose I can't complain... even though they take 2 hours to straighten my hair rather than 10 minutes with my Babyliss ones. The shampoo and conditioner are amazing and the comb was an experience as I had never used one before. Have you guys ever used any Aria products? What did you think about them? Also what straighteners do you currently use? Let me know in the comments below!
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