Okay so I went back into Primark... again? ... and seen as I've already done 2 Primark haul videos on my YouTube channel in the past 6 months I feel like this one should be blog post only :) hehe ... so welcome to Primark haul numero tres :) !!

Blackcurrant & Forest Plum Tealights
Loved these as soon as I picked them up. There are 30 little tealights in this pack which all have an average of 2 hours burn time :) they smell like berries which I really like and makes the whole room smell in about 10 minutes. I put these in a little candle cage hanger which I then hung from the ceiling on the stairs and I love the way the candle flame lights up that whole area :)
Winter Berry Candle
This candle comes in a nice jar which can be reused after the candle is completely gone. The candle itself is a lovely plain white colour which makes it look so clean and fresh. The scent does smell like berries but is also has a chilling effect to it, not sure how to explain this but it makes you feel cold when you smell it perhaps that's why it's called Winter Berry. This candle was on sale along with all the other candles I will mention in this post, they were all only £1 which is really good for a candle that size. I think it may be because these were seasonal candles and now that season is over they want everything gone.
Sweet Berry & Patchouli Candle
This candle is a red colour which I feel goes very well with the seasonal things that were in the store. It comes in a nice jar which can be reused once the candle has gone whether this is for another candle or just as a storage jar. This candle was only £1 as it was on the sale shelf, the smell is really nice; it was my favourite smelling one there out of all the others. I never usually look in the homeware section of Primark as if I needed anything for the home I usually go to Ikea, or little candles like this I just pick up when I'm out and about but I'm so glad I went downstairs at Primark and looked at these as it was a really good bargain and also smells really nice.
'Pink' Candle
This candle was also on sale there and it smells really nice :) the jar is a white pink sort of colour which again can be reused once the candle is gone. The candle is called 'pink' not sure why as it smells like a floral scent so perhaps they called it pink because of the holder colour not sure but it is called pink. The scent is floral, clean and fills the room quickly.
Fake tan moose
I know... Why am I buying fake tan when it's clearly winter but I like to put my tan on around Feb time so that when summer comes I'm already 'tanned' :) I haven't actually found a fake tan that works with me yet :/ but hopefully this Primark one might do the trick :) even though I got medium to dark accidentally. I'm actually dreading using this just in case it goes horribly wrong because I got the wrong shade but hopefully it will go okay, I've never made myself orange I just have problems with patches haha :P
Fake tan lotion
This lotion goes along with the fake tan moose except you apply this after you wash off the moose :) hopefully, this one will work as I got light to medium in this so I don't go orange :) I prefer the moose for the colour you go but I prefer the lotions for application as they are easier to apply than the moose are. This particular lotion smells soo good though I only opened it to take the picture; it just smells really nice so hopefully it will go well and I'll smell nice too :)
Gel eyeliner
When I was younger I used to do my eyeliner with a pencil which was okay but trying to do a cat eye with a pencil eyeliner is just impossible. When I was about 14 I had my first liquid eyeliner and I've used liquid ever since. A lot of people I see online or talk to about makeup say they use gel eyeliner. I have never used a gel eyeliner before I've always seen them as being really awkward but when I saw this one for £2 I thought it was really worth it and that I would try gel to see if it's better than liquid for me, although I did buy a liquid as back up ... see below.
Liquid eyeliner

I was actually in the makeup section for eyeliner hence why you saw the gel one. I thought if the gel eyeliner isn't for me and I can't use it I will still have a good old liquid to fall back on plus I needed some anyway. I have never used Primark eyeliners but after their lip pencils were good I thought I'd try it. This eyeliner was only £1 and I usually pay over £3 for my eyeliner so I thought this was a bargain :)
Jewellery Purchases
The rest of the items were from a little shop by Primark that had all their jewellery for £1 !! I literally ran into the shop !! ... no joke
These blue festival type feather earrings were lovely. I loved the bright blue feathers because they reminded me of a tropical bird in a rainforest. I then had the urge to watch Rio 2... don't know why ;) but I loved the coour and the gold coins at the top that joins them all together.
I loved these square dangle earrings. Whenever I buy 'cheap' jewellery from a shop I always go for either the 'does it look branded look' or the 'festival look' these were more the branded look to me. I know they aren't branded but I can imagine some designer somewhere coming up with this design and selling them for around £500 and letting all the celebrities wear them as they are walking down the red carpet for a movie premiare of some sort. When really they were only £1 from a little shop but they look branded if you get my gist.
These are more the festival type look. I absolutely loved these because when I was younger (about 15) I used to love the ear cuffs but these are earring ear cuffs which 15 year old Sacha would have loved !! I have always liked gold chains and feathers and I think I always will :) I didn't realise until I got home though that one of the diamantes is missing from the left earring, I'm thinking of sticking some aluminium foil in so it doesn't look like anything is missing.
I wasn't really sure what to call this neckalce metal layered tie necklace, metal layered? what? but the pieces of metal coming from the lace tie are actually layered on top of each other so the longest ones are at the bottom and the shorter ones layer up until you get to the shortest layer. There are 3 different coloured metal pieces which are Copper, Red and White. To fasten the nekacle you have an adjustable lace tie which fastens at the back of the neck.
This next one I loved aswell !! It's a nice golden arm clasp bangle thing but it has a nice line of pearls going right the way down the front which I thought would look really nice with a white or golden outfit or just even when holiday time comes it would look nice with a nice summer outfit just to compliment.
The side of the bangle thing is completely clear and it doesn't have a fasten it just fits snuggly around the arm so it doesn't slip off. It's also adjustable if you press the two sides closer together this makes a nice fit for small wrists which means its not falling all over the place either which I loved.
This petal necklace was actually the first thing I picked up, it reminded me of a nice festival type look but still could be worn with an everyday outfit too. The main parts of the flowers are the silver gems which start off each petal and also act as a core in the middle. The rest are white/cream gems which act as the actual petals and they end the flower look. This necklace has a gold chain which fastens aroud the back of the neck.
7. Gold Chain Coin Necklace
You know I always save the best till last :P This was my favourite thing that I picked up it's a nice gold chain which separates into two down the middle. On each partition there are golden coins with an engravement on, not sure what the engravement is as it just looks like swishes and swirls to me but I still loved it. Also this chain is heavier... not like it's real gold heavy as you can tell it's not real gold but it feels heavy in a 'doesn't feel like a really cheap going to break' necklace heavy; you know like it's quality. On the back it said it was supposed to be £15 but I got it for £1. Bargain *Sacha Smile*
That's it for this post I loved the Jewellery shop with all their jewellery for £1 :) Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this post if you did then don't forget to share it with your friends and family. All my social medias are below and I will see you soon.
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